We are only twenty years into the “Information Age” - a time of accelerated pace of life, globally interconnected life itineraries, rapidly growing incorporation of technological advancements into our daily routines and an era of unlimited access to any information desirable. Raised in this day and age and a typical member of the Generation X it is my fascination with technology that brought me to focus my research on exploring our connectivity technology - the wireless devices we use and to examine closely their place in the universe of our lives.
From an artistic perspective, I believe that there are many aspects of this wireless technology worth investigating. Having always been captivated by the invisible matter around us, I decided to focus on visualizing one essential, though imperceptible to our eyes, feature of wireless technology: its connectivity achieved through electromagnetic fields. I zoom in on the means by which individuals, computers, and local networks are connected to each other and the global Internet-based world.
The main aim of my investigation was to create awareness of the ways we view and use technology, and the consequences of such use by offering a scientifically-informed and tangible art piece -
which I named The Desensitization Station.
The Desensitization Station materializes the electromagnetic field in front of our eyes, provoking critical thinking for an overall more balanced and symbiotic existence in the technology-dominated times of the Information Age.