( ͡ ͜ʖ ͡)

Katharina Reynhoudt              

Intrigued by
the unnoticed,
the seemingly unimportant,
at times the invisible,
I focus on dissected emotional snippets, impulses, visions, objects and people from my cultural memory

         My curious and acquisitive mind projects meanings in every day objects that usually will not evoke much attention or interest from most onlookers.


Through my paintings,
I present glitches in a perfidious reality,
by letting my inner child run loose and explore, and give what it finds a part in the play that manifests on canvas.
This way,
I become a  storyteller.

My mind fabulates, creating narratives on the canvas the onlooker can tune into, always emphasizing the most disregarded and unworthy byproducts of our society and giving them a stage to act out their endless unfulfilled destinies upon.



Inner Conflict

Title: In Unschuld / In Innocence
In the vast tapestry of life, we inevitably come across moments that leave a profound imprint on our souls. These encounters, whether joyful or challenging, can linger within us, shaping our thoughts and emotions. Sometimes, they become barriers that hinder our progress and drain our spirits.

This painting is a visual exploration of a deeply personal experience, a cathartic expression of the of a journey through a significant encounter.
In the vast tapestry of life, we inevitably come across moments that leave a profound imprint on our souls. These encounters, whether joyful or challenging, can linger within us, shaping our thoughts and emotions. Sometimes, they become barriers that hinder our progress and drain our spirits.

This painting is a visual exploration of a deeply personal experience, a cathartic expression of the of a journey through a significant encounter.


“There are no facts, only interpretations.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche

Title: Might of Perspective 

Medium: Acrylics / Oil

When loosing control over aspects of life -  perspective is what we will always have access to.

The bird’s eye view, the cursory look at ones life. In this painting literally. 


Intuition of the Moment

Title: Until here, no further

Medium: Acrylics / Oil

What I see in my outside reality – the circumstances, situations and objects in my life – are a reflection of what
I focus on in my internal reality. Limits and rules and reinforcements of such -
I find very fascinating.

Nine to Repetition

Title: Nonproductive consumption of time

Medium: Acrylics / Oil

What is time when one is not working or occupied. What does it actually mean to have free time!? And what do you finance through your work? Is it a nonproductive consumption you are aiming for or a purposeful activity to fill your free time with?

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